Home 5 News 5 Welcome to the CHCPBC website

June 28, 2024

Welcome to the College of Health and Care Professionals of BC (CHCPBC) website. This website serves as the primary resource and point of contact for the regulation of Audiologists, Dietitians, Hearing Instrument Practitioners, Occupational Therapists, Opticians, Optometrists, Physical Therapists, Psychologists, and Speech-Language Pathologists in British Columbia.

On June 28, 2024, CHCPBC was created with the amalgamation of seven health profession regulatory colleges: College of Dietitians of BC, College of Occupational Therapists of BC, College of Opticians of BC, College of Optometrists of BC, College of Physical Therapists of BC, College of Psychologists of BC, and College of Speech and Hearing Health Professionals of BC.

The website includes:

  • About The College: Cultural safety and humility, our Board, committees, and staff, and other information.
  • For The Public: License verification, and information on complaints and discipline.
  • For Professionals: Criminal record checks, standards of practice, legislation, Bylaws, and other information.
  • For Applicants & Registrants: Profession-specific information for the nine professions regulated by CHCPBC.
  • News: The latest news from CHCPBC.
  • Contact Us: Contact details and a feedback form.
  • Registrant Portals: Links to Registrant Portals for each profession regulated by CHCPBC.

Initially, in the transition from the former colleges to CHCPBC, the College’s response time to questions and requests from registrants, applicants, and the public may be delayed. CHCPBC will respond to questions and requests as quickly as possible in this transition period. Thank you for your patience and respectful interaction with CHCPBC staff as we transition to operating as an amalgamated regulatory college with a mandate to regulate nine health professions.

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