Home 5 News 5 CHCPBC will pause new applications for psychology registration: February 10 to April 10, 2025

January 30, 2025

Between February 10 and April 10, 2025, CHCPBC will not accept new applications for registration for the psychology profession.

What does this mean for applications in progress or that you plan to submit?

Applications for psychology registration already in progress (i.e., where an application form and the required fee have already been submitted) will continue to be processed by CHCPBC Licensure staff; however, response times to emails and voicemails from current applicants may be slower.

If an application is not already in progress, documentation related to any new application – received by email or hard copy – will not be retained by the College, and emails or voicemails will not receive a response from Licensure staff between February 10 and April 10, 2025.

Why did the College make this decision?

The pause between February 10 and April 10, 2025, is required to address a backlog of applications.

Since legal day one of amalgamation on June 28, 2024, the new College has managed numerous challenges administering licensure for the psychology profession, including: complex bylaws, a complex, lengthy, and high-touch application process, low retention of legacy college staff, an inefficient, paper-based legacy records management system, and an out-dated and unstable registrant database that required urgent replacement.

The pause will create an opportunity to address systemic issues associated with the application process without having to simultaneously manage new applications under the existing, inefficient system. Since amalgamation, the Licensure team has made significant progress in addressing delays in application processing, reducing the backlog of emails and voicemails, and ensuring the accuracy and completeness of applications. In addition, annual registration renewal for the profession of psychology was successfully managed under a new, secure platform in November and December. However, several related systemic issues have not yet been addressed, due to staff changes, operational pressures, and major events (for example, the team is currently focussed on administering the Oral Examination for psychology applicants).

The pause to processing applications for psychology licensure will allow the Licensure team to address the systemic issues noted above. Once the pause is lifted, new applicants should benefit from a simpler, shorter, and more streamlined process.

I want to submit my application; what should I do?

Wait until April 11, 2025, to request access to the Applicant Portal, and check information on the CHCPBC website for psychology applicants regularly — changes to the application process will be posted before April 10.

If you have already collected documentation required for your application package, submit it after April 10. In the interim, do not request documents to be sent to the College from third parties; CHCPBC will not retain application-related documentation sent to the College during the pause between February 10 and April 10, 2025.

The Licensure team will resume responding to emails and voicemails from potential applicants after April 10. We thank you for your patience.

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