Practice Resources
Profession Practice Standards
The College of Health and Care Professionals of BC (CHCPBC) sets standards of practice that occupational therapists are required to meet. The standards are informed by legislation and regulation, as well as documents such as the Code of Ethics, College Bylaws, and the Competencies for Occupational Therapists in Canada.
Practice Standards assist occupational therapists by:
- defining occupational therapist responsibilities;
- describing minimal expectations for occupational therapy practice; and
- defining safe, ethical, and competent occupational therapy practice.
Foundational Documents:
Practice Standards:
- Practice Standard for Supervision of Occupational Therapist Assistants (OTAs)
- Indigenous Cultural Safety, Humility, and Anti-Racism Standard of Practice
- Practice Standard for Infection, Prevention and Control
- Practice Standards for Consent
- Practice Standards for Professional Boundaries
- Practice Standards for Preventing Sexual Misconduct
- Practice Standards for Conflict of Interest
- Practice Standards for Managing Client Information
Quality Practice
In accordance with the Health Professions Act, the College of Health and Care Professionals of British Columbia (CHCPBC) is responsible for delivering a Quality Assurance Program (QAP) that supports and monitors continued competence.
All registered occupational therapists in BC must participate in and satisfy the program’s annual requirements.
Please see Quality Practice for Occupational Therapists for more information on the annual quality assurance requirement.
Occupational therapists draw upon a wide variety of tools and resources to provide their clients and patients with safe, ethical, and effective care. The resources listed below are not exhaustive, and occupational therapists are advised to supplement them with additional materials as needed.
Considerations for Starting or Closing a Private Practice
This practice resource is intended to help support occupational therapists who are considering starting, leaving, or closing an occupational therapy private practice. Please note that the information is not exhaustive and the College strongly recommends that occupational therapists consult with professionals, such as accountants and/or lawyers, for assistance in determining legal requirements and best business practices.
Is it Occupational Therapy? A Tool to Consider Emerging Practices
The College often receives practice consults inquiring if an activity, task or intervention might be considered something an occupational therapist can perform in British Columbia. This practice resource is intended to guide individuals through a series of reflective questions to help make that determination. For a learning opportunity to interpret and apply this resource, check out the accompanying Case Study: Is it Occupational Therapy? which includes scenarios for discussion and debate.
Case Studies
The case studies listed below cover some of the common questions or challenges occupational therapists may face in their practice.
Use them to test your understanding of Practice Standards, guide discussions with your colleagues, and reflect on your own practice.
Professional Development Case Studies:
ACOTRO Joint Position Statements
The College of Health and Care Professionals of British Columbia (CHCPBC), as part of the Association of Canadian Occupational Therapy Regulatory Organizations (ACOTRO), participates in the development of joint position statements with other occupational therapy national organizations. The purpose of position statements is to encourage common understanding issues related to the profession of occupational therapy.
- Joint Position Statement regarding Utilizing Occupational Therapist Assistants in Occupational Therapy Service Delivery
- Joint Position Statement on Evidence-Based Occupational Therapy
- Joint Position Statement on Professional Identity, Individual Responsibility and Public Accountability Through the Use of Title in Occupational Therapy
Naloxone Resources
Quick-Learn Lesson: Naloxone Administration
E-learning lesson outlining what to do if you witness or suspect an opioid overdose.
Overdose Prevention and Response in BC
General information and resources related to overdose prevention and response from the Province of BC.
Bookmark this website for widely referenced information and resources on naloxone.
Naloxone-specific resources from the College of Pharmacists of British Columbia.
Advisory Statements
Advisory Statements are published by the College of Health and Care Professionals of British Columbia (CHCPBC) to increase registrants’ awareness of important issues relevant to the practice of occupational therapy and/or critical issues that have the potential to affect, or have a direct impact on, occupational therapy practice in BC.
Advisory Statements:
- Medical Assistance in Dying (MaiD): Considerations for Occupational Therapists
- Administration and Distribution of Naloxone by Occupational Therapists
- Occupational Therapists’ Assessment of Financial Management and Incapability
- Occupational Therapist’s Role in Determining Incapability to Consent to Facility Admission
- Use of Title
- Providing Access to and Releasing Occupational Therapy Information
- Remedying a Breach of Security: COTBC Reporting Requirements
Scope of Practice Statements
These statements outline any additional standards required, limits and conditions on occupational therapy practice in BC. Only occupational therapists who meet the conditions set out in a specific scope of practice statement can provide the services outlined. These services usually relate to legislation that has recognized occupational therapists as “qualified health care providers” for a specific purpose.