Psychologists – Practice Resources

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Practice Resources

Psychologists Code of Conduct

  • Code of Conduct (PDF): The Code sets out behavioural norms and standards of professional conduct for Psychologists of the College of Health and Care Professionals of British Columbia.

Professional Practice Standards

Psychologists Regulation

Psychologists Regulation – Passed by the Provincial Government, these are the rules that define the scope of practice of psychology and protect the titles used exclusively by psychologists.

Practice Support

The CHCPBC Practice Support service is available to registered psychologists. This service intends to assist registrants in considering how best to handle ethical dilemmas and practice decisions and to enhance clinical practice, to ensure high practice standards consistent with the College’s public protection mandate. The service is intended to supplement peer consultation, which should be a routine component of clinical practice.

To read more about practice support please review the

Practice Support Checklists


The College has investigated self-assessment tools, and has posted an example of one that registrants may find useful in the new Practice Support section within the Registrant Portal. This is not the only self-assessment tool available, and registrants are welcome to choose another or to develop their own plan for self-assessment as long as it meets CCP Category E requirements.

Sexual Misconduct and Professional Boundaries

Section 16(2)(f) of the Health Professions Act establishes an objective for health professions regulators of maintaining a patient relations program to inform registrants and prevent professional misconduct of a sexual nature. The Psychologists Code of Conduct (PDF) contains various provisions requiring registrants to attend carefully to client welfare. The Code of Conduct highlights issues relevant to psychologists’ professional boundaries that should be familiar to College registrants through their training and attentiveness to Code requirements.

FAQs Regarding the Practice Support service

Please see the registrant FAQ (PDF) for the Practice Support service FAQs.

Contacting the Practice Support service

Only registrants of the College have access to the Practice Support service:

By phone: 1-877-742-6715 (press #3 for practice support)
By email:

Continuing Competency Program

Quality Assurance reporting requirements for Psychologists

Applies to actively practising psychologists

The annual quality assurance (QA) reporting deadline coincides with registration renewal. By December 31 each year, all practising psychology registrants1 intending to renew their registration must have fulfilled the following elements of the QA Continuing Competency Program (CCP):

  1. Learning Activities
  2. Practice Quiz
  3. Practice Review Questionnaire
  4. Self-Assessment (Self-Care & Self-Monitoring)

1Registrants holding non-practising registration are exempt from the CCP requirements while they remain non-practising.

Each of the elements is described below.

Learning Activities

Psychologists are required to complete the minimum number2 learning-related activity hours as outlined in the Continuing Competency Program Requirements (PDF)These activities must be evidence-based and demonstrate an enhancement of their psychology practice.

Psychologist registrants are required to keep a Continuing Competency Activities Log Sheet (PDF), and supporting documentation, for a minimum of two years. It is only in the event of an audit that they would be required to submit this log.

2Registrants may be granted a reduction of these minimum hours based on the date of initial registration during that year. Please refer to the Continuing Competency Program Requirements (PDF) for further information.

Practice Quiz & Practice Review Questionnaire

Psychologists are required to complete a Practice Quiz and Practice Review Questionnaire on an annual basis by the deadline of December 31. Their purpose is for psychology registrants to reflect on their individual known risks to competence, in addition to identifying their known protective and supportive factors.

Please log in to the Psychology Registrant Portal to complete the annual quiz and questionnaire.

Self-Assessment (Self-Care & Self-Monitoring)

Psychology registrants are required to self-assess and create or modify a self-care plan to ensure they are taking time to fulfill the requirements of the Code of Conduct (PDF). This includes a review of factors that may contribute to stress load, to assess the potential impact of these factors on their ability to meet professional obligations, and to engage in self-care.

There is no requirement to submit documentation related to the self-care process. Registrants are required to attest that that they have completed their self-assessment at the time of registration renewal.

Registrants who are unable to complete the CCP reporting requirements

In circumstances where a psychology registrant has not fully met the CCP requirements prior to renewal, the Registration Committee may consider granting Temporary (Supervised) registration provided the registrant undertakes to complete any outstanding requirements and practises while under supervision.

Quality Assurance resources and contacts

Psychologists can report completion of their QA requirements at any time during the current QA cycle by logging in to the Registrant Portal.

Further information regarding the QA reporting requirements for psychologists can be found in the Registrant FAQs (PDF).

Any questions, concerns, or requests for support can be submitted to the CHCPBC Quality Assurance Team using the Contact Us form.

Registrant FAQs

These FAQs are intended to be useful in understanding the College’s mandate, policies, and procedures. Readers are advised that policies and procedures change. The College endeavours to update its FAQs and the website as efficiently as possible. The application of some procedures may depend upon the circumstances of a matter and therefore, may not occur the same way in every instance. The FAQs are for information purposes only and may not be relied upon as legal advice. To the extent that there are any inconsistencies between these FAQs and the provisions of the Health Professions Act or Part 4 of the College’s bylaws, the provisions of the Act and bylaws take precedence.

Forms & Documents


    Reference Documents

    Practice Support Checklists

    The Practice Support Service provides a series of checklists on a variety of common professional practice issues. These checklists are intended to provide general guidance to assist registrants in identifying issues and options that should be considered, in implementing strategies to address issues, and in resolving problems and improving practice with respect to particular aspects of psychology practice. Registrants can find a full list of the checklists in the Practice Support document.

    Interpretive Guideline re: Credential Presentation by School Psychologists

    Standard 9.7(b) of the College of Psychologists’ Code of Conduct [Requirements for credential presentation] provides that a registrant of the College must place immediately before their professional title only the highest academic degree upon which their registration is based. It also allows a registrant to use the prefix Doctor or the abbreviation Dr. (but not both the degree and prefix) where they have been registered on the basis of a doctoral degree.

    For school psychologist registrants who are granted registration with the College under the transitional provisions of section 46(3) of the bylaws on or after May 1, 2024 on the basis of active membership in BCASP, the College interprets the reference in Standard 9.7(b) to “the highest academic degree upon which the registrant’s registration with the College is based” as referring to the highest academic degree for which the registrant delivered a transcript to the College in support of their application for registration in accordance with section 43(1)(d) of the bylaws.

    In particular, a doctorally-trained school psychologist registrant who is registered under section 46(3) on the basis of their BCASP membership will be entitled under Standard 9.7(b) to use the prefix Doctor or the abbreviation Dr. if and only if they delivered a transcript for their doctoral degree to the College in support of their registration application.

    It is important to recognize that this interpretation of Standard 9.7(b) does not constitute or imply any decision or determination by the College that the school psychologist registrant would be considered to satisfy the requirement for a “doctoral degree in psychology” as defined in section 41 of the bylaws in the event that they were to apply later to the College for registered psychologist registration. If such an individual applies to the College for registered psychologist registration, they will still be required to satisfy the Registration Committee that they meet all applicable conditions and requirements for registered psychologist registration under section 44 of the bylaws.