For Applicants

To practise as a Registered Speech-Language Pathologist (RSLP) in BC, you must be a CHCPBC registrant who has met specific registration requirements. Applicants to become a RSLP in BC may begin practice when they have met the College’s entry-to-practice requirements and been granted registration.

There are three pathways to entry-level practice for each of the above professions regulated by the College:

  • Pathway 1: Canadian-Educated Applicants – for graduates of accredited or approved programs within Canada who are not currently regulated in another Canadian jurisdiction.
  • Pathway 2: Internationally-Educated Applicants – for graduates of audiology and speech language pathology education programs offered outside Canada who are not currently regulated in another Canadian jurisdiction.
  • Pathway 3: Labour Mobility Applicants – for professionals currently regulated in another Canadian jurisdiction, i.e. audiology and speech-language pathology: Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland & Labrador; hearing instrument dispensing: Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Quebec, and Newfoundland & Labrador.

To apply, create an account in the Applicant Portal, log in to the portal, and follow the prompts for choosing a pathway and submitting required information.

CHCPBC receives standard applications, where it is very clear that each of the College’s registration requirements are met, and non-standard applications, where it is less clear that one or more of the requirements is met. For information about non-standard applications, see Non-standard Applications.

Canadian-Educated Speech-Language Pathology Graduates Applying For RSLP

Graduates of recognized Canadian speech language pathology programs, as outlined in the College Bylaws, may apply for registration as a RSLP by having the information and documents listed below ready, and applying through the Applicant Portal, which provides step-by-step instructions.

  1. Official transcripts

After your master’s degree has been conferred (i.e., awarded), arrange to have your official master’s program transcripts sent directly from the university to CHCPBC, either by email gro.cbpchc@noitartsiger ot or by mail to CHCPBC.

Important: your official transcripts must indicate “Awarded” or “Conferred”. Unofficial or administrative transcripts that do not indicate “Awarded” or “Conferred” cannot be accepted. If your master’s degree has not yet been conferred, arrange to have a Letter of Completion, signed by the Dean, sent directly from the university to CHCPBC.

Canadian-educated applicants to become RSLPs are not required to provide proof of the clinical practicum hours they completed in their education program.

  1. Recency of practice/practice competency

Applicants must provide evidence of meeting the recency of practice requirement for registration as a RSLP – i.e., that you have graduated from a recognized speech-language pathology program within the last three (3) years, or that you have practised speech-language pathology for a minimum of 750 hours in a regulated jurisdiction – by emailing a completed Confirmation of Practice Hours form (PDF) to gro.cbpchc@noitartsiger.

Substantially equivalent recency of practice/practice competency

If, in the three (3) years immediately preceding the date you submit your application for registration, you have not graduated from a CHCPBC-recognized academic program or practised a minimum of 750 regulated hours in a regulated jurisdiction, but otherwise meet the requirements of registration, you will need to email a completed Application for Registration: Substantially Equivalent Practice Competency form (PDF) to the CHCPBC Registration Committee at gro.cbpchc@noitartsiger. The Committee will review your application to determine whether your knowledge, skills, and abilities meet CHCPBC’s recency of practice/practice competency requirements for registration under substantial equivalency.

  1. Reference letters

Applicants must provide two (2) character references from individuals who have known you for at least two years, and who are not family members, classmates, or friends, or stand to benefit from your application, and who can attest to your values, morals, and conduct. These references must be dated within 60 days of your application to CHCPBC.

Log in to the Applicant Portal and provide the required information about your references, including an email address for each. Each of your references must submit a letter of reference directly to the College by email gro.cbpchc@noitartsiger ot or by mail to CHCPBC, and it must contain that individual’s contact information.

  1. Proof of eligibility to work in Canada

Upload a copy of one of the following documents in the Applicant Portal:

  • Canadian passport (photo and signature page)
  • Canadian citizenship certificate or card (front and back)
  • Canadian birth certificate
  • Government-issued work permit or work visa, provided this permits work in your intended profession
  • A study or co-op visa, provided this permits work in your intended profession
  • Permanent Resident card (front and back)
  1. Criminal record check

Under BC’s Criminal Records Review Act, all RSLPs must complete a criminal record check when they first become registered with the College and every five years thereafter.

Download the Consent to Criminal Record Check form (PDF) (also available for download in the Applicant Portal), fill out the form, sign it, and upload the completed and verified form in the Applicant Portal. CSHBC will then communicate the required information to the BC Government’s Criminal Records Review Program to ensure that your check is carried out.

Also upload a copy of two of the following documents in the Applicant Portal:

  • BC Driver’s Licence or learner’s licence (must have your photo)
  • BCID
  • BC Services Card (must have your photo)
  • Canadian birth certificate
  • Passport (photo and signature page)
  • Canadian citizenship certificate or card (front and back)
  • Permanent Resident card (front and back)
  1. English language proficiency

If you completed an acceptable academic program, as defined in the College’s Bylaws, that was delivered exclusively in English (including all academic learning and clinical practice), you will be exempted from completing English language proficiency testing. If you are not exempted, you must complete a TOEFL (iBT), IELTS (AC or GT), or OET (Speech-Language Pathology only) English test and meet the following minimum test scores:

Required Minimum English Test Scores

TOEFL internet Based Test (iBT), or the TOEFL iBT Home Edition

  • Speaking: 26
  • Listening: 26
  • Reading: 22
  • Writing: 24

IELTS (Academic or General), or IELTS Online (Academic)

  • Speaking: 7.5
  • Listening: 8
  • Reading: 7.5
  • Writing: 7.5

Occupational English Test (OET) (Speech Pathology version), Paper-based Only

  • Speaking: B (395)
  • Listening: A (450)
  • Reading: B (395)
  • Writing: B (395)

Arrange to have your English language proficiency scores sent directly to CHCPBC. Successful completion of one of the approved tests must be no more than two years before the date of application to the College.

Applicants who do not meet the minimum English language proficiency requirements outlined above will be required to successfully meet the minimum standards before the application for registration can be submitted to the Registration Committee.

For more information, review the English Language Proficiency policy (PDF).

  1. Professional liability insurance

As part of your online application form, you will need to complete the following declaration:

I understand that pursuant to the CHCPBC Bylaws, as a registrant of CHCPBC, I must at all times maintain insurance that (i) is in the amount of at least $2,000,000 per claim and in a form satisfactory to the Board, and (ii) covers me and any non-registrant to whom I delegate an aspect of practice, against liability arising from an error, omission, or negligent act that occurs in the practice of my profession. (YES/NO)

You will also need to declare whether your professional liability insurance is covered by your employer, whether you have obtained your own professional liability insurance, or whether you do not currently have the required insurance. If you do not have the required insurance at the time of submitting your application, you may provide updated information about your insurance at a future time. Note that no application may be approved without confirmation that the required insurance is in place.

Employers such as health authorities, school districts, and other government agencies typically have insurance in place for their employees that meets the College’s requirements. You must check the details of any insurance provided by your employer and confirm that it meets these requirements. If it does not, you must obtain your own professional liability insurance. Note that CHCPBC does not provide insurance advice or recommend insurers to applicants or registrants; this is outside of the scope of the College’s role as a regulatory body.

  1. Entry-to-practice examination

Proof of passing an entry-to-practice examination approved by the Registration Committee is required before CHCPBC can grant Full registration. The examinations currently approved by the College for registration as a RSLP are:

  • The Praxis Examination for speech-language pathology (Praxis exam 5331), administered by Educational Testing Service (ETS);
  • The Canadian Entry-to-Practice (CETP) Examination for speech-language pathology, administered by Speech-language & Audiology Canada (SAC); and
  • The SAC Certification Examination for speech-language pathology. The SAC Exams were retired in March 2020; however, the College will accept results from past sittings.

You must arrange to have the examination administrator send your proof of passing directly to CHCPBC. Alternatively, you may have another regulatory body for speech and hearing health professionals send the College your examination result, as long as that regulatory body received these results directly from the examination administrator.

If you do not have proof of passing one of the above-mentioned examinations, you must apply for the RSLP (Conditional) registration classification and practice under general supervision until you have passed an approved examination. Applicants for Conditional registration classification must secure a practice supervisor, who must be a Full CHCPBC registrant of the same profession. You will be asked to provide your supervisor’s registrant details as part of the online application process in the Applicant Portal.

For further information regarding current examination requirements, including how to register for the Praxis Exams, please review Entry-to-Practice Examinations policy (PDF).

  1. Verification of Registration from other regulators

If you are, or have been, regulated as a health professional by any other regulatory body, you must provide a letter or certificate dated within 60 days of the date of your application from each relevant regulatory body (a “Verification of Registration”). This must specify details of any cancellation, suspension, limitation, or conditions on your entitlement to practise, and any investigation, review, or proceeding that could lead to one of these outcomes. Verifications of Registration may be sent to the College by email to gro.cbpchc@noitartsiger, so long as they come directly from an authorized individual at the regulatory body in question.

  1. Application and criminal record check fees

The following non-refundable fees are payable at application for registration:

  • Application for registration fee: $260
  • Criminal Record Check fee: $28

Pay by credit card (Visa or Mastercard) or debit card (Visa) in the Applicant Portal.

  1. Registration fee

Upon approval of your application for registration, the following non-refundable fee is payable:

  • Initial registration fee: $950

Pay by credit card (Visa or Mastercard) or debit card (Visa) in the Applicant Portal.

If you register part way through the registration year (April 1 – March 31), the registration fee is pro-rated quarterly for the remaining months of the registration year.

  1. Timeline

After you have submitted your application, staff will conduct an initial review of the application. The sooner all of your required documentation is received by CHCPBC, the sooner the College can process your application. If satisfactory, your application will be submitted to the Registrar for final approval. You will be notified if CHCPBC requires further information for your application, or if your application will require consideration by the Registration Committee. See Non-standard Applications & Registration Committee Review for more information about the Registration Committee process.

After submitting your application, please do not call or email CHCPBC to inquire about the status of your application. The College handles a large volume of applications and processes them as quickly as possible. Responding to calls and emails inquiring about application status slows the process. If, however, you have questions prior to submitting your application that cannot be answered on the website or in the Applicant Portal, please contact the College.

Please note that if you fail to meet the requirements for registration within two (2) years of submitting your application, your application will expire, and you will need to submit a new application should you wish to continue to pursue registration with CHCPBC.

Internationally-Educated Speech-Language Pathology Graduates Applying For RSLP

Internationally-Educated Applicants to become RSLPs in BC who have met CHCPBC’s entry-to-practice requirements are granted Full registration after passing the entry-to-practice examination, or Conditional registration if they have not yet passed that examination. To complete your Full or Conditional registration application for entry-level practice in speech-language pathology, have the documents listed below ready, and apply through the Applicant Portal, which provides step-by-step instructions.

  1. Official transcripts

After your master’s degree has been conferred (i.e., awarded), arrange to have your official master’s (and/or undergraduate, if required) program transcripts sent directly from the university to CHCPBC, either by email to gro.cbpchc@noitartsiger or by mail to the College.

Important: your official transcripts must indicate “Awarded” or “Conferred”. Unofficial or administrative transcripts that do not indicate “Awarded” or “Conferred” cannot be accepted.

  1. Credential assessment

Arrange for World Educational Services (WES) to assess your master’s (and/or undergraduate, if required) program transcripts. A basic assessment is acceptable.

  1. Academic course outline or syllabus

Upload your university course outline or syllabus, with the conversion rate from credits to hours, including a record of clinical hours, in the Applicant Portal.

  1. Academic coursework requirements

Upload a completed Academic Coursework Requirements Speech-Language Pathology Program form (PDF) to the Applicant Portal.

The Registration Committee will review your Academic Coursework Requirements form, course information, and syllabi against the academic coursework requirements defined in the College’s Bylaws.

  1. Clinical practicum hours

Upload a completed Summary of Clinical Practicum Hours (Speech-Language Pathology Program) form (PDF) to document proof of clinical hours (minimum of 350 hours).

The form requires sign-off from the Director of the program in which the clinical hours were completed.

Arrange for your academic institution to email the completed and signed form directly gro.cbpchc@noitartsiger ot or by mail to the College.

The Registration Committee will review your Summary of Clinical Practicum Hours form, and any additional relevant information provided with respect to your program, against the clinical practicum requirements defined in the College’s Bylaws.

  1. Recency of practice/practice competency

Applicants must provide evidence of meeting the “recency of practice” requirement for registration as a RSLP – i.e., that you have graduated from your speech-language pathology program within the last three (3) years, or that you have practised speech-language pathology for a minimum of 750 hours in a regulated jurisdiction – by emailing a completed Confirmation of Practice Hours form (PDF) to gro.cbpchc@noitartsiger.

Substantially equivalent recency of practice/practice competency

If, in the three (3) years immediately preceding the date you submit your application for registration, you have not graduated from a CHCPBC-recognized academic program or practised a minimum of 750 regulated hours in a regulated jurisdiction, but otherwise meet the requirements of registration, you will need to email a completed Application for Registration: Substantially Equivalent Practice Competency form (PDF) to the Registration Committee at gro.cbpchc@noitartsiger. The Committee will review your application to determine whether your knowledge, skills, and abilities meet CHCPBC’s recency of practice/practice competency requirements for registration under substantial equivalency.

  1. English language proficiency

If you completed an acceptable academic program, as defined in the College’s Bylaws, that was delivered in English (including all academic learning and clinical practice), you will be exempted from completing English language proficiency testing. If you are not exempted, you must complete a TOEFL (iBT), IELTS (AC or GT), or OET (Speech-Language Pathology only) English test and meet the following minimum test scores:

Required Minimum English Test Scores

TOEFL internet Based Test (iBT), or the TOEFL iBT Home Edition

  • Speaking: 26
  • Listening: 26
  • Reading: 22
  • Writing: 24

IELTS (Academic or General), or IELTS Online (Academic)

  • Speaking: 7.5
  • Listening: 8
  • Reading: 7.5
  • Writing: 7.5

Occupational English Test (OET) (Speech Pathology version), Paper-based Only

  • Speaking: B (395)
  • Listening: A (450)
  • Reading: B (395)
  • Writing: B (395)

Arrange to have your English language proficiency scores sent directly to CHCPBC. Successful completion of one of the approved tests must be no more than two years before the date of application to the College.

Applicants who do not meet the minimum English language proficiency requirements outlined above will be required to successfully meet the minimum standards before the application for registration can be submitted to the Registration Committee.

For more information, review the English Language Proficiency policy (PDF).

  1. Reference letters

Applicants must provide two (2) character references from individuals who have known you for at least two years, and who are not family members, classmates, or friends, or stand to benefit from your application, and who can attest to your values, morals, and conduct. These references must be dated within 60 days of your application to CHCPBC.

Log in to the Applicant Portal and provide the required information about your references, including an email address for each. Each of your references must submit a letter of reference directly to CHCPBC by email gro.cbpchc@noitartsiger ot or by mail to the College, and it must contain that individual’s contact information.

  1. Verification of Registration from other regulators

If you are, or have been, regulated as a health professional by any other regulatory body, you must provide a letter or certificate dated within 60 days of the date of your application from each relevant regulatory body (a “Verification of Registration”). This must specify details of any cancellation, suspension, limitation, or conditions on your entitlement to practise, and any investigation, review, or proceeding that could lead to one of these outcomes. Verifications of Registration may be sent to the College by email to gro.cbpchc@noitartsiger, if they come directly from an authorized individual at the regulatory body in question.

  1. Proof of eligibility to work in Canada

Upload a copy of one of the following documents in the Applicant Portal:

  • Canadian passport (photo and signature page)
  • Canadian citizenship certificate or card (front and back)
  • Canadian birth certificate
  • Government-issued work permit or work visa, provided this permits work in your intended profession
  • A study or co-op visa, provided this permits work in your intended profession
  • Permanent Resident card (front and back)
  1. Criminal record check

Under BC’s Criminal Records Review Act, all RSLPs must complete a criminal record check when they first become registered with the College and every five years thereafter.

Download the Consent to Criminal Record Check form (PDF) (also available for download in the Applicant Portal), fill out the form, sign it, and upload the completed and verified form in the Applicant Portal. CHCPBC will then communicate the required information to the BC Government’s Criminal Records Review Program to ensure that your check is carried out.

Also upload a copy of two of the following documents in the Applicant Portal:

  • BC Driver’s Licence or learner’s licence (must have your photo)
  • BCID
  • BC Services Card (must have your photo)
  • Canadian birth certificate
  • Passport (photo and signature page)
  • Canadian citizenship certificate or card (front and back)
  • Permanent Resident card (front and back)
  1. Professional liability insurance

As part of your online application form, you will need to complete the following declaration:

I understand that pursuant to the CHCPBC Bylaws, as a registrant of CHCPBC, I must at all times maintain insurance that (i) is in the amount of at least $2,000,000 per claim and in a form satisfactory to the Board, and (ii) covers me and any non-registrant to whom I delegate an aspect of practice, against liability arising from an error, omission, or negligent act that occurs in the practice of my profession. (YES/NO)

You will also need to declare whether your professional liability insurance is covered by your employer, whether you have obtained your own professional liability insurance, or whether you do not currently have the required insurance. If you do not have the required insurance at the time of submitting your application, you may provide updated information about your insurance at a future time. Note that no application may be approved without confirmation that the required insurance is in place.

Employers such as health authorities, school districts, and other government agencies typically have insurance in place for their employees that meets CHCPBC’s requirements. You must check the details of any insurance provided by your employer and confirm that it meets these requirements. If it does not, you must obtain your own professional liability insurance. Note that CHCPBC does not provide insurance advice or recommend insurers to applicants or registrants; this is outside of the scope of the College’s role as a regulatory body.

  1. Entry-to-practice examination

Proof of passing an entry-to-practice examination approved by the Registration Committee is required before CHCPBC can grant Full registration. The examinations currently approved by the College for registration as a RSLP are:

  • The Praxis Examination for speech-language pathology (Praxis exam 5331), administered by Educational Testing Service (ETS);
  • The Canadian Entry-to-Practice (CETP) Examination for speech-language pathology, administered by Speech-language & Audiology Canada (SAC); and
  • The SAC Certification Examination for speech-language pathology. The SAC Exams were retired in March 2020; however, CHCPBC will accept results from past sittings.

You must arrange for the examination administrator to send your proof of passing directly to CHCPBC. Alternatively, you may have another regulatory body for speech and hearing health professionals send the College your examination result, as long as that regulatory body received these results directly from the examination administrator.

If you do not have proof of passing one of the above-mentioned examinations, you must apply for the RSLP (Conditional) registration classification and practice under general supervision until you have passed an approved examination. Applicants for Conditional registration classification must secure a practice supervisor, who must be a Full CSHBC registrant of the same profession. You will be asked to provide your supervisor’s registrant details as part of the online application process in the Applicant Portal.

For further information regarding current examination requirements, including how to register for the Praxis Exams, please review the Entry-to-Practice Examinations policy (PDF).

  1. Application & criminal record check fees

The following non-refundable fees are payable at application for registration:

  • Application for registration fee (international applicants): $520
  • Criminal Record Check fee: $28

Pay by credit card (Visa or Mastercard) or debit card (Visa) in the Applicant Portal.

  1. Registration fee

Upon approval of your application for registration, the following non-refundable fee is payable:

  • Initial registration fee: $950

Pay by credit card (Visa or Mastercard) or debit card (Visa) in the Applicant Portal.

If you register part way through the registration year (April 1 – March 31), the registration fee is pro-rated quarterly for the remaining months of the registration year.

  1. Timeline

After you have submitted your application, staff will conduct an initial review. The sooner all of your required documentation is received by CHCPBC, the sooner the College can process your application. Once your application is complete, it may be considered by a Registration Committee panel. Panels typically meet bi-monthly or quarterly. During the application process, you will be advised when the next Registration Committee panel meeting is scheduled to take place, and the deadline for providing any additional, relevant information that you wish the Committee to consider in support of your application. See Non-standard Applications & Registration Committee Review for more information about the Registration Committee process.

After submitting your application, please do not call or email CHCPBC to inquire about the status of your application. The College handles a large volume of applications and processes them as quickly as possible. Responding to calls and emails inquiring about application status slows the process. If, however, you have questions prior to submitting your application that cannot be answered on the website or in the Applicant Portal, please contact CHCPBC.

Please note that if you fail to meet the requirements for registration within two (2) years of submitting your application, your application will expire, and you will need to submit a new application should you wish to continue to pursue registration with CHCPBC.

Labour Mobility Applicants

In accordance with Chapter 7 of the Canadian Free Trade Agreement and BC’s Labour Mobility Act, the College’s Bylaws grants:

  • Full registration classification to practise in BC to Registered Speech Language Pathologists (RSLPs) with an equivalent registration status in another Canadian jurisdiction, who are in good standing with the relevant regulatory body in that jurisdiction and who meet the registration requirements set out below; and

CHCPBC accepts labour mobility applications from applicants from the following Canadian jurisdictions:

Speech-Language Pathology

  • Alberta
  • Saskatchewan
  • Manitoba
  • Ontario
  • Quebec
  • New Brunswick
  • Nova Scotia
  • Newfoundland & Labrador

If you hold conditional or provisional registration in one of these provinces, please contact the College regarding potential application options. Labour mobility applicants must be currently authorized to practice, therefore those holding non-practising registration are ineligible.

Note that all new registrants who have transferred to BC under labour mobility must complete the College’s Jurisprudence and Client Consent online learning courses before renewing their registration in BC.

Labour mobility applicants to become RAUDs in BC may begin practice when they have met the College’s labour mobility requirements and been granted Full registration.

To apply, have the documents listed below ready, create an account in the Applicant Portal, and follow the step-by-step instructions in the Applicant Portal.

  1. Verification of Registration from all other regulators

Arrange to have your current Canadian regulator send a Verification of Registration directly to CHCPBC, confirming if you are currently a registrant in good standing, authorized to practice, and have no conditions on your license. This verification means you do not need to submit transcripts, proof of clinical hours, or proof of passing the entry-to-practice examination.

In addition to the regulator in the Canadian jurisdiction that you are coming from, you must provide a letter or certificate dated within 60 days of the date of your application from each additional regulatory body where you are or have been registered in any health profession, in any jurisdiction (if any). This must specify details of any cancellation, suspension, limitation, or conditions on your entitlement to practise, and any investigation, review, or proceeding that could lead to one of these outcomes.

Verifications of Registration may be sent to the College by email, so long as they come directly from an authorized individual at the regulatory body in question.

  1. Proof of eligibility to work in Canada
  1. Reference letters

Applicants must provide two character references from individuals who have known you for at least two years, and who are not family members, classmates, or friends, or stand to benefit from your application, and who can attest to your values, morals, and conduct. These references must be dated within 60 days of your application to CHCPBC.

Log in to the Applicant Portal and provide the required information about your references, including an email address for each. Each of your references must submit a letter of reference directly to the College at gro.cbpchc@noitartsiger or by mail and must contain that individual’s contact information.

  1. Criminal Record Check

Under BC’s Criminal Records Review Act, all RAUDs and RSLPs must complete a criminal record check when they first become registered with the College and every five years thereafter.

Download the Consent to Criminal Record Check form (also available for download in the Applicant Portal), fill out the form, sign it, and upload the signed form in the Applicant Portal. CSHBC will then communicate the required information to the BC Government’s Criminal Records Review Program to ensure that your check is carried out.

Also upload a copy of two of the following documents in the Applicant Portal:

  1. English Language Proficiency

If you completed your academic program in audiology, hearing instrument dispensing, or speech-language pathology in English, or you demonstrated English proficiency in the course of registering with the Canadian regulatory body from which you are applying under labour mobility, you will be exempted from providing further proof of your English proficiency. If you are not exempted, you must complete a TOEFL (iBT), IELTS (AC or GT), or OET (Speech-Language Pathology only) English test and meet the following minimum test scores:

Required Minimum English Test Scores

TOEFL internet Based Test (iBT), or the TOEFL iBT Home Edition

  • Speaking: 26
  • Listening: 26
  • Reading: 22
  • Writing: 24

IELTS (Academic or General), or IELTS Online (Academic)

  • Speaking: 7.5
  • Listening: 8
  • Reading: 7.5
  • Writing: 7.5

Occupational English Test (OET) (Speech Pathology version), Paper-based Only

  • Speaking: B (395)
  • Listening: A (450)
  • Reading: B (395)
  • Writing: B (395)

Arrange to have your English language proficiency scores sent directly to CHCPBC. Successful completion of one of the approved tests must be no more than two years before the date of application to the College.

Applicants who do not meet the minimum English language proficiency requirements outlined above will be required to successfully meet the minimum standards before the application for registration can be submitted to the Registration Committee.

For more information, review the English Language Proficiency policy (PDF).

  1. Professional Liability Insurance

As part of your online application form, you will need to complete the following declaration:

  • I understand that pursuant to the CHCPBC Bylaws, as a registrant of CHCPBC, I must at all times maintain insurance that (i) is in the amount of at least $2,000,000 per claim and in a form satisfactory to the Board, and (ii) covers me and any non-registrant to whom I delegate an aspect of practice, against liability arising from an error, omission, or negligent act that occurs in the practice of my profession. (YES/NO)

You will also need to declare whether your professional liability insurance is covered by your employer, whether you have obtained your own professional liability insurance, or whether you do not currently have the required insurance. If you do not have the required insurance at the time of submitting your application, you may provide updated information about your insurance at a future time. Note that no application may be approved without confirmation that the required insurance is in place.

Employers such as health authorities, school districts, and other government agencies typically have insurance in place for their employees that meets CHCPBC’s requirements. You must check the details of any insurance provided by your employer and confirm that it meets these requirements. If it does not, you must obtain your own professional liability insurance. Note that CHCPBC does not provide insurance advice or recommend insurers to applicants or registrants; this is outside of the scope of the College’s role as a regulatory body.

  1. Application and Criminal Record Check Fees

The following non-refundable fees are payable at application for registration:

  • Application for registration fee: $260
  • Criminal Record Check fee: $28

Pay by credit card (Visa or Mastercard) or debit card (Visa) in the Applicant Portal.

  1. Registration Fee

Upon approval of your application for registration, the following fee is payable:

  • Initial registration fee: $950

Pay by credit card (Visa or Mastercard) or debit card (Visa) in the Applicant Portal.

If you register part way through the registration year (April 1 – March 31), the registration fee is pro-rated quarterly for the remaining months of the calendar year.

  1. Timelines

After you have submitted your application, staff will conduct an initial review of the application. The sooner all of your required documentation is received by CHCPBC, the sooner the College can process your application. If satisfactory, your application will be submitted to the Registrar for final approval. You will be notified if CHCPBC requires further information for your application, or if your application will require consideration by the Registration Committee. See Non-Standard Applications & Registration Committee Review for more information about the Registration Committee process.

After submitting your application, please do not call or email CHCPBC to inquire about the status of your application. The College handles a large volume of applications, and processes them as quickly as possible. Responding to calls and emails inquiring about application status slows the process. If, however, you have questions prior to submitting your application that cannot be answered on the website or in the Applicant Portal, please contact CHCPBC.

Please note that if you fail to meet the requirements for registration within two years of submitting your application, your application will expire and you will need to submit a new application should you wish to continue to pursue registration with CHCPBC.

Temporary Applicants

The College’s Bylaws include a renewable Temporary registration classification.

Important: Under the College Bylaws, the Registration Committee imposes limits and conditions on all temporary registrants. The Temporary registration classification is restricted to education and training purposes only and is not intended for general practice.

Temporary registration is granted for up to 90 days. To renew Temporary registration, contact gro.cbpchc@noitartsiger well in advance of the registration’s expiry date.

Temporary registrants aren’t eligible to apply for Certified Practice Certificates.

See the Temporary Registration policy (PDF).

Application steps for Temporary registration

  • Canadian – Those regulated in Canadian jurisdictions must submit an online application form via the Applicant Portal and select the applicable temporary registration.
  • International – Those regulated in international jurisdictions should contact CHCPBC by email at gro.cbpchc@noitartsiger for a step-by-step process for submitting temporary registration applications.

Canadian applicants for Temporary registration:

To apply, have the documents listed below ready, create an account in the Applicant Portal, and follow the step-by-step instructions in the portal.

  1. Criminal Record Check Fee

The following non-refundable fee is payable at application for registration:

  • Criminal Record Check fee: $28

All applicants must provide authorization to undergo a Criminal Record Check (CRC) as part of the temporary registration process. Applicants must cover the cost of their own CRC. CHCPBC is statutorily required to collect this fee on behalf of the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General and does not retain any of these funds.

If an applicant’s current jurisdiction originates outside British Columbia or Canada, the applicant must also provide a Criminal Record Check from that jurisdiction.

  1. Registration fee

Upon approval of your application for registration, the following fee is payable: Initial registration fee: $100. Pay by credit card (Visa or Mastercard) or debit card (Visa) in the Applicant Portal.

  1. Other registration

Applicants must be registrants in good standing in their profession in another jurisdiction (Canadian or International), in a manner acceptable to the CSHBC Board of Directors. Acceptable jurisdictions are ones where the profession is regulated in line with the following criteria:

  • There is law or governmental statute establishing the regulation of the profession in that jurisdiction.
  • There is a dedicated body or department that regulates the profession.
  • The body or department sets and enforces requirements for entry to the profession.
  • The body or department sets standards of practice for its registrants.
  • The body or department has a mechanism for enforcing standards.

However, if some but not all criteria are met, the Registration Committee may still assess the application for Temporary registration. These assessments are completed on a case-by-case basis.

Applicants show their good standing in the relevant jurisdiction by providing a Verification of Registration. This is a letter or certificate dated within 60 days of the date of the application, which specifies the details of any cancellation, suspension, limitation, or conditions on entitlement to practise, and any investigation, review, or proceeding that could lead to one of these outcomes.

Verifications of Registration may be sent to the College by email, so long as they come directly from an authorized individual at the regulatory body in question.

  1. Proof of eligibility to work in Canada

To provide proof of eligibility to work in Canada, applicants must upload a copy of one of the following documents in the Applicant Portal when applying:

  1. English language proficiency

In line with the English Language Proficiency policy, certain applicants are exempted from completing English Language testing. However, if you are not exempted, you must complete a TOEFL (iBT), IELTS (AC or GT), or OET (Speech-Language Pathology only) English test and meet the following minimum test scores:

Required Minimum English Test Scores

TOEFL internet Based Test (iBT), or the TOEFL iBT Home Edition

  • Speaking: 26
  • Listening: 26
  • Reading: 22
  • Writing: 24

IELTS (Academic or General), or IELTS Online (Academic)

  • Speaking: 7.5
  • Listening: 8
  • Reading: 7.5
  • Writing: 7.5

Occupational English Test (OET) (Speech Pathology version), Paper-based Only

  • Speaking: B (395)
  • Listening: A (450)
  • Reading: B (395)
  • Writing: B (395)

Arrange to have your English language proficiency scores sent directly to CHCPBC. Successful completion of one of the approved tests must be no more than two years before the date of application to the College.

Applicants who do not meet the minimum English language proficiency requirements outlined above will be required to successfully meet the minimum standards before the application for registration can be submitted to the Registration Committee.

  1. Professional liability insurance

As part of their online application form, applicants for Temporary registration must complete the following declaration:

I understand that pursuant to the CHCPBC Bylaws, as a registrant of CHCPBC, I must at all times maintain insurance that (i) is in the amount of at least $2,000,000 per claim and in a form satisfactory to the Board, and (ii) covers me and any non-registrant to whom I delegate an aspect of practice, against liability arising from an error, omission, or negligent act that occurs in the practice of my profession. (YES/NO)

Applicants will also need to declare whether their professional liability insurance is covered by their employer, whether they have obtained their own professional liability insurance, or whether they do not currently have the required insurance. If applicants do not have the required insurance at the time of submitting their application, they may provide updated information about their insurance at a future time. Note that no application may be approved without confirmation that the required insurance is in place.

Employers such as health authorities, school districts, and other government agencies typically have insurance in place for their employees that meets CHCPBC’s requirements. Applicants must check the details of any insurance provided by their employer and confirm that it meets these requirements. If it does not, they must obtain their own professional liability insurance. Note that CHCPBC does not provide insurance advice or recommend insurers to applicants or registrants; this is outside of the scope of the College’s role as a regulatory body.

Applications may be standard or non-standard.

Standard applications are very clear that each of the registration requirements set out in the College’s Bylaws and policy are met. Non-standard applications are where it is less clear that one or more of the registration requirements is met. For more information on standard or non-standard applications, see Non-Standard Applications & Registration Committee Review.

Applicant Eligibility

To be eligible for Temporary registration, applicants must be authorized to practise their profession as the equivalent of a Full CHCPBC registrant in their other jurisdiction (see the “Other Registration” section, above).

Once applicants become a Temporary registrant, they must comply with all CHCPBC standards of practice, with their practice subject to any limits and conditions the Registration Committee imposes.

Entry-to-Practice Examinations

Applicants to become a Registered Speech-Language Pathologists (RSLPs) in BC must meet entry-to-practice requirements before being granted Full registration. Among the requirements is passing entry-to-practice examinations.

As specified in the College Bylaws, all required entry-to-practice examinations must be approved by the College’s Registration Committee. Exams approved by the Committee and available for applicants to take include the following:

Approved Examinations for Speech Language Pathology

  • Praxis Exam in Speech-Language Pathology or CETP Exam in Speech-Language Pathology

For information on the entry-to-practice exams required for RSLP, including details on registration, enrollment and sitting dates, and other aspects, it is important that applicants read the Speech-Language Pathology Examinations web pages.

All applicants for registration with the College who are Canadian-educated or International-educated must take entry-to-practice exams, except for:

  • Labour mobility applicants
  • Applicants for Temporary and Temporary (Teaching) registration
  • Non-practising registrants applying for Full registration

Speech-Language Pathology Examinations

Entry-to-practice examinations currently approved by CSHBC as part of the pathway to become a Registered Speech-Language Pathologist (RSLP) are:

  • The Praxis Examinations for speech-language pathology (Praxis Exam 5331), administered by Educational Testing Service (ETS); and
  • The Canadian Entry-to-Practice (CETP) Examinations for speech-language pathology, administered by Speech-language & Audiology Canada (SAC).

Applicants have a choice of taking either the Praxis or CETP exam, and they must pass one of the exams to be granted Full registration.

Praxis Exam


  • Candidates may register for the Praxis Exam by following the instructions set out in the Praxis Test Registration Guidance (December 28, 2020) that ETS has prepared for the College’s examination candidates. In addition to the instructions provided in this document, applicants and Conditional registrants should note the following:
  • When creating your ETS-Praxis account, you will see a “Social Security Number” field. You can leave this field empty.
  • During the registration process, you will be able to register for taking the speech-language pathology exam as a home exam, with live monitoring by an online proctor, or at a test centre. See the Praxis at Home Testing page for information about the process and requirements for taking exams at home. IMPORTANT: home testing is currently available in Canada and the US only. However, you may take the exam in person at many testing centres worldwide, including two in BC (Vancouver).

Sending previously obtained Praxis scores to CSHBC

If you passed the current Praxis Exam for speech-language pathology (examination code 5331) prior to the College’s approval of these exams in September 2020, and wish to use the results in your application, you can request that ETS send an “additional score report” to CHCPBC at a cost of $50 (US). For information, see:

Exam preparation

ETS offers preparation materials for each exam such as a study companion, study plan, interactive practice test (for purchase), and other materials.

See the Speech-Language Pathology (5331) page to access preparation materials.


Exam enrollment and sitting dates can be found on the Speech-Language & Audiology Canada (SAC) website.

The College is working with SAC to confirm the examination registration process for BC candidates. This information will be posted as soon as it is available. In the meantime, prospective CETP Exam candidates can read more about the exams on the SAC website

Information for all exams

Submitting proof of passing

You must arrange to have your proof of passing sent directly from the examination administrator to CHCPBC. Alternatively, you may have another regulatory body for speech and hearing health professionals send the College your examination results, as long as that regulatory body received these results directly from the examination administrator.

Conditional registration

If you do not have proof of passing one of the above-mentioned examinations, you must apply for the Conditional registration classification and practice under general supervision until you have passed an approved examination. Applicants for Conditional registration classification must secure a practice supervisor, who must be a Full CHCPBC registrant of the same profession in good standing. You will be asked to provide your supervisor’s registrant details as part of the online application process in the Applicant Portal.

Examination attempts

As specified in the College Bylaws, both applicants and Conditional registrants are permitted a maximum of three attempts at the relevant CETP or Praxis Exam, regardless of the exam or combination of exams they choose to attempt. An applicant must complete all attempts within two years from the date of the applicant’s initial application.

For more information

For further information regarding current CHCPBC examination requirements, examination day accommodations, improper conduct during an examination and examination discrepancies, examination attempts and failures, and other aspects of entry-to-practice examinations, it is important that applicants review the Entry-to-Practice Examination Policy (PDF).

Non-Standard Applications & Registration Committee Review

The College thoroughly reviews every application for registration, including applications for full registration and applications for certification, to determine if applicants meet the College’s registration and certification requirements.

Applications fall under two broad categories:

  • Standard applications: where it is very clear that registration or certification requirements as set out in CHCPBC Bylaws and policy are met.
  • Non-standard applications: where it is less clear that one or more of the registration or certification requirements are met.

The Registration Committee delegates authority to the CHCPBC Registrar to review and approve standard applications. However, non-standard applications must be reviewed by the Registration Committee. These applications generally take longer to be processed given it takes time to gather additional information and have the Registration Committee consider the matter.